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“Before Product/market fit, your only job that matters is to build a GREAT product” 

You absolutely know you have a good product, we know it too. But here’s the tricky part - does your target audience know it? Is the product or service you offer suitable for your market? Does it answer the markets’ specific needs and requirements? 


Building a strong product/market fit is the very first step to a company’s success. It is achieved by obtaining extensive data on your market, its trends, requirements, and characteristics. 


At Growth Artists we ensure that your product serves and satisfies a genuine need in the market. By properly applying product/market fit in early-stage startups, the startup can have a better prospect of their success potential. 

Product/Market Fit 

Sam Altman 

How Does It Work? 

Here’s a taste of how we make the product/market fit magic work: 

You come to us with a strong idea for a startup, but you are unsure about its prospects. You’ve come to the right place. We perform market research, analyze the concept of your startup, and research it against the market. 

Breaking Down 

The next step in our data-driven analysis is breaking down the product and solution assumptions. We examine the product or service from every angle and test it with respect to the market. 

With the data we’ve acquired from both stages, we can now conduct data-driven experiments, also known as growth experiments to test the data. At this stage, we either validate or rule out assumptions we’ve made, based on data prioritization. 

Now it’s time for us to deliver! We provide the experiment documents and timeline, everything you need to apply to test for product/market fit. Together, we keep refining and perfecting your startups’ product/market fit, until we ensure your service hits all of your target audience’s marks. 

“Business has only two functions—marketing and innovation.“


— Milan Kundera

“Don't find customers for your product. Find products for your customers.“


— Seth Godin

“Your brand is a story unfolding across all customer touchpoints.“


-Jonah Sachs

“The nation that leads in renewable energy will be the nation that leads the world.“


— James Cameron

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